Oct 09, 2023 - First seizure recording using Open Ephys!
Open Ephys is working, as evidenced by this beautiful seizure recording! This platform will enable our lab to set up a closed-loop system in which real-time, automated seizure detection triggers optogenetic stimulation.
Sep 13, 2023 - Kat joins the lab
We are so glad to welcome Katherine (Kat) Reaume to the lab as a research assistant! Kat is an MSU graduate with a B.S. in neuroscience and a minor in philosophy. She is working as an EEG technician at Beaumont Hospital while also completing a post-bac at MSU, all towards her future goal to become a doctor. Welcome, Kat!
Aug 28, 2023 - Izzy joins the lab
We are happy to welcome Isabella (Izzy) Plati to the Mattis lab! She joins our lab as a fourth-year neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. Her prior research experience includes investigation of phenotype inheritance in the nematode C. elegans. She is highly active in the community, including working with an organization called Medicine4Youth and leading a team of high school students to complete a research project. She aspires to become a physician-scientist specializing in pediatric epilepsy. Welcome, Izzy!
Aug 22, 2023 - Saying farewell to our summer students
Lab dinner at the Ann Arbor "1923 Taco Bus" to celebrate the end of the summer, and to say goodbye to our three wonderful summer students, Kami, Shahriar, and Jade.
Aug 16, 2023 - Rida receives a U@MNI research fellowship
Rida Qureshi was awarded a competitive U@MNI undergraduate research fellowship to support her work in the lab. Congratulations, Rida!