We are always seeking motivated and enthusiastic people to join the team!
Staff (technicians or research assistants)
Available staff positions will be advertised through the University of Michigan (https://careers.umich.edu/); please submit your application through that website. If desired, you may additionally contact me by email. Please include a description of previous work lab experience, your technical and administrative skillset, and your career goals.
Postdoctoral associates and fellows
We are looking for talented and innovative individuals to pursue post-doctoral fellowship training in our lab. Candidates should be recent PhD and/or MD graduates. Prior experience with electrophysiology (slice and/or in vivo), optogenetics, two-photon calcium imaging, data analysis, or other related techniques is preferred. Prospective post-docs should contact me by email. Please include a cover letter describing your previous / ongoing research, your plans for future projects, and your long-term career goals. Please also include your CV and the contact information (name, email, phone) for at least two references.
Graduate students
Come do a rotation in our lab! Joanna is formally affiliated with the Neuroscience Graduate Program (NGP) and can also accept rotation students from the Program in Biomedical Sciences (PIBS). We are looking for graduate students to develop independent research projects that overlap with our lab’s overall interests. Graduate students should contact me by email. Please include a CV as well as an overview of your background, research interests, and career goals.
Medical students, residents, and fellows
We welcome medical students and physicians who seek to develop research skills in parallel with their clinical training. Clinical lab members without significant previous research experience, or with significant ongoing clinical obligations, will be paired with a full-time lab member to work on an existing project. Alternatively, clinical lab members with significant prior experience, and with sufficient time to dedicate to the lab, will have the opportunity to lead their own independent research project. Prospective clinical lab members should contact me by email. Please include a CV as well as an overview of your background, research interests, and career goals. Please specify what your clinical obligations are and roughly how much time you would have available for research.
Undergraduate students
Undergraduate students will typically be paired with a more senior lab member and will initially join an existing project. Students who are particularly motivated, and who have more time to devote to the lab, may go on to develop their own independent projects. Interested undergraduates should contact me by email. Please include a description of any prior research and/or work experience, and any relevant coursework. Please specify what your goals are in joining the lab and roughly how much time you would have available for research.