Aug 26, 2024 - New year & new lab members!
We're excited to get started with the 2024-2025 academic year! It's great to have all of our undergraduate students back on campus. This year we have four seniors in the lab (Nagham, Rida, Juan, and Izzy), each of whom will be completing an honor's thesis. We are also happy to welcome two new lab members, Maya (sophomore) and Megan (freshman): they both connected with the lab in the spring / summer and are officially getting started this fall. We're looking forward to a wonderful year!
We're excited to get started with the 2024-2025 academic year! It's great to have all of our undergraduate students back on campus. This year we have four seniors in the lab (Nagham, Rida, Juan, and Izzy), each of whom will be completing an honor's thesis. We are also happy to welcome two new lab members, Maya (sophomore) and Megan (freshman): they both connected with the lab in the spring / summer and are officially getting started this fall. We're looking forward to a wonderful year!
Aug 19, 2024 - Joanna presents at the Epilepsy GRC
Joanna presents the lab's work at the Epilepsy Gordon Research Conference, held in New Hampshire.
Aug 19, 2024 - Publication in Annals of Neurology
Our second collaborative paper with with Miriam Meisler's lab, Allele-Specific Editing of a Dominant SCN8A Epilepsy Variant Protects Against Seizures and Lethality in a Murine Model, is published in Annals of Neurology. Congratulations to the first author, Wenxi Yu (Research Investigator in the Meisler lab), and Limei and Yiannos (Mattis lab members who contributed to this publication).
Our second collaborative paper with with Miriam Meisler's lab, Allele-Specific Editing of a Dominant SCN8A Epilepsy Variant Protects Against Seizures and Lethality in a Murine Model, is published in Annals of Neurology. Congratulations to the first author, Wenxi Yu (Research Investigator in the Meisler lab), and Limei and Yiannos (Mattis lab members who contributed to this publication).
Aug 16, 2024 - Nagham receives a U@MNI research fellowship
Nagham was awarded a competitive U@MNI undergraduate research fellowship to support her work in the lab. Way to go, Nagham!
Nagham was awarded a competitive U@MNI undergraduate research fellowship to support her work in the lab. Way to go, Nagham!
Aug 01, 2024 - Izzy and Rida present at the Magnificent Michigan fellowship poster session
Izzy and Rida, both supported by the Magnificent Michigan undergraduate summer fellowship, presented their work at a poster session. Our lab benefits greatly from the enthusiasm and hard work of our undergraduate students. Well done, both of you!
Izzy and Rida, both supported by the Magnificent Michigan undergraduate summer fellowship, presented their work at a poster session. Our lab benefits greatly from the enthusiasm and hard work of our undergraduate students. Well done, both of you!
Jul 20, 2024 - lab lake day!
Hudson generously hosted the lab at his family home and we had an amazing day with barbeque, swimming, and boating. It was pure Michigan!
Hudson generously hosted the lab at his family home and we had an amazing day with barbeque, swimming, and boating. It was pure Michigan!
Jul 12, 2024 - Research Highlight publication in eNeuro
Chandni's "Research Highlight", Pan-inhibitory hippocampal neuron ablation reveals insights into the role of interneurons in epileptogeness, was published in eNeuro! Chandni's paper highlights a recent publication from the Danzer laboratory (PMID: 38575351), in which widespread bilateral hippocampal interneuron ablation was found to cause transient seizure clusters and epileptiform activity.
Chandni's "Research Highlight", Pan-inhibitory hippocampal neuron ablation reveals insights into the role of interneurons in epileptogeness, was published in eNeuro! Chandni's paper highlights a recent publication from the Danzer laboratory (PMID: 38575351), in which widespread bilateral hippocampal interneuron ablation was found to cause transient seizure clusters and epileptiform activity.
Jul 03, 2024 - Publication in Neurobiology of Disease
We are excited to see our first collaboration with Miriam Meisler's lab come to fruition with a publication in Neurobi0logy of Disease: Dentate gyrus granule cells are a locus of pathology in Scn8a developmental encephalopathy. Congratulations to all the authors, including the first author, Wenxi Yu (Research Investigator in the Meisler lab), and Limei and Yiannos (Mattis lab members who contributed to this publication). Stay tuned to see what else our labs have been collaborating on!
We are excited to see our first collaboration with Miriam Meisler's lab come to fruition with a publication in Neurobi0logy of Disease: Dentate gyrus granule cells are a locus of pathology in Scn8a developmental encephalopathy. Congratulations to all the authors, including the first author, Wenxi Yu (Research Investigator in the Meisler lab), and Limei and Yiannos (Mattis lab members who contributed to this publication). Stay tuned to see what else our labs have been collaborating on!
Jun 26, 2024 - Joanna presents at a Bold Science Luncheon
Joanna gave a "lightning talk" at a Bold Science Luncheon featuring awardees of the Scouts program. Thank you to the University of Michigan Medical School's Office of Research for investing in high risk / high reward science! And thank you also to Dr. Bing Ye, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, for "scouting" the Mattis lab to receive this award.
Joanna gave a "lightning talk" at a Bold Science Luncheon featuring awardees of the Scouts program. Thank you to the University of Michigan Medical School's Office of Research for investing in high risk / high reward science! And thank you also to Dr. Bing Ye, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, for "scouting" the Mattis lab to receive this award.
Jun 07, 2024 - Celebrating the lab’s upcoming 2 year birthday!
The Mattis Lab will be 2 years old in just a few days! It feels like we've come a long way in a short time, and it will be exciting to see what we achieve over the next 2 years!
The Mattis Lab will be 2 years old in just a few days! It feels like we've come a long way in a short time, and it will be exciting to see what we achieve over the next 2 years!
May 20, 2024 - lab members present at MI SfN
Meiling, Limei, and Krystal all presented posters at the Michigan chapter Society for Neuroscience conference. Chandni was honored as one of two Founders Award recipients and gave a talk. Congratulations, everyone!
Meiling, Limei, and Krystal all presented posters at the Michigan chapter Society for Neuroscience conference. Chandni was honored as one of two Founders Award recipients and gave a talk. Congratulations, everyone!
May 09, 2024 - Chandni receives a Founders Award from the Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience!
Chandni was selected to receive a Founders Award, which highlights the research accomplishments of two graduate student members of the Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. Chandni will receive a prize, a plaque, and will have the opportunity to give a slide presentation at the annual MI SfN chapter meeting (upcoming on 5/20/24). Congratulations, Chandni!
Chandni was selected to receive a Founders Award, which highlights the research accomplishments of two graduate student members of the Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. Chandni will receive a prize, a plaque, and will have the opportunity to give a slide presentation at the annual MI SfN chapter meeting (upcoming on 5/20/24). Congratulations, Chandni!
May 03, 2024 - Krystal is selected as a Neuroscience Scholars Program fellow!
Congratulations to Krystal for being selected as a Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP) Fellow! This program, through the Society for Neuroscience, provides trainees with career development and network opportunities.
Congratulations to Krystal for being selected as a Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP) Fellow! This program, through the Society for Neuroscience, provides trainees with career development and network opportunities.
May 02, 2024 - Joanna presents at the University of New Mexico
Joanna presents the lab's work to the Department of Neuroscience at the University of New Mexico. Thank you for the invitation!
Joanna presents the lab's work to the Department of Neuroscience at the University of New Mexico. Thank you for the invitation!
Apr 29, 2024 - Izzy and Rida both receive summer research awards!
Izzy and Rida were both selected for Neuroscience Summer Research Fellowships! Izzy's fellowship is through the Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience (UPiN) and Rida's is through the Program in Biology (PiB). These awards will support their full time research in the lab this summer. They will also both be Magnificent Michigan Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows, supported by the Michigan Neuroscience Institute MNI). Congratulations to both of them!
Izzy and Rida were both selected for Neuroscience Summer Research Fellowships! Izzy's fellowship is through the Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience (UPiN) and Rida's is through the Program in Biology (PiB). These awards will support their full time research in the lab this summer. They will also both be Magnificent Michigan Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows, supported by the Michigan Neuroscience Institute MNI). Congratulations to both of them!
Apr 24, 2024 - Rida presents at UROP’s spring research symposium
Rida presented a poster at the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Spring Research Symposium, highlighting her work targeting the nigro-tegmental pathway with stereotactic viral injections in transgenic mice. Great job, Rida!
Rida presented a poster at the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Spring Research Symposium, highlighting her work targeting the nigro-tegmental pathway with stereotactic viral injections in transgenic mice. Great job, Rida!
Apr 21, 2024 - Cookie decorating party
The lab's spring social event was a cookie decorating party at Joanna's house. It was a great time!
The lab's spring social event was a cookie decorating party at Joanna's house. It was a great time!
Apr 12, 2024 - Krystal passed her prelims!
The preliminary exam is a major milestone for PhD students in the Department of Pharmacology at UofM. This entails developing a topic (outside of the lab's focus), writing an abstract, specific aims, and research strategy, and finally passing an oral exam. Congratulations, Krystal!
The preliminary exam is a major milestone for PhD students in the Department of Pharmacology at UofM. This entails developing a topic (outside of the lab's focus), writing an abstract, specific aims, and research strategy, and finally passing an oral exam. Congratulations, Krystal!
Apr 10, 2024 - Joanna presents a BERG seminar
Joanna presents the lab's work to the Basic Epilepsy Research Group at the University of Michigan. This was Joanna's first full hour-long talk exclusively consisting of new data from the Mattis lab, which is an exciting milestone - and reflective of the fact that we've now collected lots of data!
Apr 05, 2024 - Chandni is awarded a Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant
Chandni's Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant was selected for funding! Congratulations, Chandni, and thank you, Rackham!
Chandni's Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant was selected for funding! Congratulations, Chandni, and thank you, Rackham!
Apr 04, 2024 - Krystal receives the 2024 NSF GRFP!!!
Krystal has been selected to receive a 2024 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship! This is a highly competitive and prestigious national fellowship that provides support for graduate students across STEM fields. Congratulations, Krystal!!!
Krystal has been selected to receive a 2024 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship! This is a highly competitive and prestigious national fellowship that provides support for graduate students across STEM fields. Congratulations, Krystal!!!
Mar 26, 2024 - Nagham receives an award to support her honors research project
Nagham receives the Louis Bernstein Undergraduate Psychology Research Award! This award award will provide support for her honors research project - which she will conduct as a senior during the 2024-2025 academic year - and it’s also a real honor in recognition of the great work she’s already done in the lab. Congratulations, Nagham!
Nagham receives the Louis Bernstein Undergraduate Psychology Research Award! This award award will provide support for her honors research project - which she will conduct as a senior during the 2024-2025 academic year - and it’s also a real honor in recognition of the great work she’s already done in the lab. Congratulations, Nagham!
Mar 04, 2024 - Hudson joins the lab
We are excited to welcome Hudson Haberland to the lab! He is a freshman at the University of Michigan, studying Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and French. He aspires to go to medical school and to become a neurologist. Welcome to the lab, Hudson!
We are excited to welcome Hudson Haberland to the lab! He is a freshman at the University of Michigan, studying Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and French. He aspires to go to medical school and to become a neurologist. Welcome to the lab, Hudson!
Feb 23, 2024 - Fiber photometry + EEG + optogenetics!
Chandni and Meiling have put together a beautiful system such that we can simultaneously record from (fiber photometry + EEG) and manipulate (optogenetics) neurons in vivo, while inducing seizures or testing other behaviors. We can't wait to start to use it!
Chandni and Meiling have put together a beautiful system such that we can simultaneously record from (fiber photometry + EEG) and manipulate (optogenetics) neurons in vivo, while inducing seizures or testing other behaviors. We can't wait to start to use it!
Dec 13, 2023 - Chandni presents at the BERG datablitz
Chandni presents her project to the Basic Epilepsy Research Group at the University of Michigan. Well done, Chandni!
Chandni presents her project to the Basic Epilepsy Research Group at the University of Michigan. Well done, Chandni!
Dec 12, 2023 - Joanna awarded Taubman Emerging Scholarship
Joanna is appointed as the Kenneth Eisenberg Emerging Scholar. The Taubman Institute was founded to support clinician-scientists at Michigan Medicine, to facilitate their success. The generous support provided will be a boon to the Mattis laboratory, and Joanna is honored to join the Taubman Institute community!
Joanna is appointed as the Kenneth Eisenberg Emerging Scholar. The Taubman Institute was founded to support clinician-scientists at Michigan Medicine, to facilitate their success. The generous support provided will be a boon to the Mattis laboratory, and Joanna is honored to join the Taubman Institute community!
Dec 12, 2023 - First seizures recorded under the 2P with both EEG & imaging!
After months of hard work, Meiling successfully recorded seizures under the 2P! She is now able to collect simultaneous EEG and imaging data while evoking seizures with hyperthermia, which will yield lots of interesting data! Way to go, Meiling!
After months of hard work, Meiling successfully recorded seizures under the 2P! She is now able to collect simultaneous EEG and imaging data while evoking seizures with hyperthermia, which will yield lots of interesting data! Way to go, Meiling!
Nov 30, 2023 - Meiling is awarded a DSF postdoctoral fellowship!
Meiling was selected for a postdoctoral fellowship award from the Dravet Syndrome Foundation! The DSF supports and funds research on Dravet syndrome with the aims of finding new treatments and improving the quality of life for people living with Dravet Syndrome. Thank you, DSF, and congratulations, Meiling!
Meiling was selected for a postdoctoral fellowship award from the Dravet Syndrome Foundation! The DSF supports and funds research on Dravet syndrome with the aims of finding new treatments and improving the quality of life for people living with Dravet Syndrome. Thank you, DSF, and congratulations, Meiling!
Nov 28, 2023 - Nagham presents at an undergraduate poster session
Nagham gives a poster presentation of her project to cap off her independent study research course. Congratulations, Nagham!
Nagham gives a poster presentation of her project to cap off her independent study research course. Congratulations, Nagham!
Oct 20, 2023 - Krystal gives a Department of Pharmacology seminar
Krystal presents her work to the Department of Pharmacology. The talk was very well attended and the audience asked many great questions. Well done, Krystal!
Krystal presents her work to the Department of Pharmacology. The talk was very well attended and the audience asked many great questions. Well done, Krystal!
Oct 19, 2023 - Joanna gives an NETP seminar
Joanna gives a seminar for the Neural Engineering Training Program. Thanks for all the great questions!
Joanna gives a seminar for the Neural Engineering Training Program. Thanks for all the great questions!
Oct 16, 2023 - Joanna presents at PCEM
Joanna gives an invited talk at the Park City Epilepsy Meeting. This is a wonderful meeting focused on neuroscience as applied to therapy development for the treatment of epilepsy. Thank you to the meeting co-chairs, Karen Wilcox and Scott Baraban, for the invitation!
Joanna gives an invited talk at the Park City Epilepsy Meeting. This is a wonderful meeting focused on neuroscience as applied to therapy development for the treatment of epilepsy. Thank you to the meeting co-chairs, Karen Wilcox and Scott Baraban, for the invitation!
Oct 12, 2023 - Joanna presents at the Kresge Hearing Research Institute HBCS Seminar
Joanna gives an invited talk at the Hearing, Balance, and Chemical Senses (HBCS) Seminar Series. Thanks for the great questions and feedback!
Joanna gives an invited talk at the Hearing, Balance, and Chemical Senses (HBCS) Seminar Series. Thanks for the great questions and feedback!
Oct 12, 2023 - Anam joins the lab
We are pleased to welcome Anam Noor to the Mattis lab! She is freshman neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. She has a passion for neuroscience and aspires to become a neurologist. Welcome to the lab, Anam!
We are pleased to welcome Anam Noor to the Mattis lab! She is freshman neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. She has a passion for neuroscience and aspires to become a neurologist. Welcome to the lab, Anam!
Oct 09, 2023 - First seizure recording using Open Ephys!
Open Ephys is working, as evidenced by this beautiful seizure recording! This platform will enable our lab to set up a closed-loop system in which real-time, automated seizure detection triggers optogenetic stimulation.
Open Ephys is working, as evidenced by this beautiful seizure recording! This platform will enable our lab to set up a closed-loop system in which real-time, automated seizure detection triggers optogenetic stimulation.
Sep 13, 2023 - Kat joins the lab
We are so glad to welcome Katherine (Kat) Reaume to the lab as a research assistant! Kat is an MSU graduate with a B.S. in neuroscience and a minor in philosophy. She is working as an EEG technician at Beaumont Hospital while also completing a post-bac at MSU, all towards her future goal to become a doctor. Welcome, Kat!
We are so glad to welcome Katherine (Kat) Reaume to the lab as a research assistant! Kat is an MSU graduate with a B.S. in neuroscience and a minor in philosophy. She is working as an EEG technician at Beaumont Hospital while also completing a post-bac at MSU, all towards her future goal to become a doctor. Welcome, Kat!
Aug 28, 2023 - Izzy joins the lab
We are happy to welcome Isabella (Izzy) Plati to the Mattis lab! She joins our lab as a fourth-year neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. Her prior research experience includes investigation of phenotype inheritance in the nematode C. elegans. She is highly active in the community, including working with an organization called Medicine4Youth and leading a team of high school students to complete a research project. She aspires to become a physician-scientist specializing in pediatric epilepsy. Welcome, Izzy!
We are happy to welcome Isabella (Izzy) Plati to the Mattis lab! She joins our lab as a fourth-year neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. Her prior research experience includes investigation of phenotype inheritance in the nematode C. elegans. She is highly active in the community, including working with an organization called Medicine4Youth and leading a team of high school students to complete a research project. She aspires to become a physician-scientist specializing in pediatric epilepsy. Welcome, Izzy!
Aug 22, 2023 - Saying farewell to our summer students
Lab dinner at the Ann Arbor "1923 Taco Bus" to celebrate the end of the summer, and to say goodbye to our three wonderful summer students, Kami, Shahriar, and Jade.
Lab dinner at the Ann Arbor "1923 Taco Bus" to celebrate the end of the summer, and to say goodbye to our three wonderful summer students, Kami, Shahriar, and Jade.
Aug 16, 2023 - Rida receives a U@MNI research fellowship
Rida Qureshi was awarded a competitive U@MNI undergraduate research fellowship to support her work in the lab. Congratulations, Rida!
Rida Qureshi was awarded a competitive U@MNI undergraduate research fellowship to support her work in the lab. Congratulations, Rida!
Aug 04, 2023 - Julia heads to grad school
Julia Kravchenko, one of the lab's founding members, has "graduated" from being a technician in the lab and is starting a PhD in the Neuroscience Graduate Program at the University of Michigan! She'll be greatly missed, but we're excited for her (and glad she'll still be nearby). Best wishes, Julia!
Julia Kravchenko, one of the lab's founding members, has "graduated" from being a technician in the lab and is starting a PhD in the Neuroscience Graduate Program at the University of Michigan! She'll be greatly missed, but we're excited for her (and glad she'll still be nearby). Best wishes, Julia!
Jun 15, 2023 - The Mattis lab turns 1!
It's hard to believe that our doors opened just one year ago. So proud of the lab and team we've built, and looking forward to the year ahead!
It's hard to believe that our doors opened just one year ago. So proud of the lab and team we've built, and looking forward to the year ahead!
Jun 12, 2023 - Kamie joins the lab for summer 2023
We are very excited to welcome Kamie, a rising sophomore at Johns Hopkins, to the lab for the summer. Kamie is studying biomedical engineering and has previously worked as a research assistant in Dr. Lisa Larkin’s Skeletal Tissue Engineering Laboratory at UMich.
We are very excited to welcome Kamie, a rising sophomore at Johns Hopkins, to the lab for the summer. Kamie is studying biomedical engineering and has previously worked as a research assistant in Dr. Lisa Larkin’s Skeletal Tissue Engineering Laboratory at UMich.
Jun 12, 2023 - Shahriar joins the lab for summer 2023
We are very excited to welcome Shahriar, a rising senior at Kalamazoo College, as an undergraduate student researcher for the summer of 2023. Shahriar is majoring in Computer Science with a Neuroscience concentration and a minor in Psychology. He received an Internship Stipend Award as well as the competitive Hough Foundation Grant from Kalamazoo College in support of his summer research. Congratulations and welcome, Shahriar!
We are very excited to welcome Shahriar, a rising senior at Kalamazoo College, as an undergraduate student researcher for the summer of 2023. Shahriar is majoring in Computer Science with a Neuroscience concentration and a minor in Psychology. He received an Internship Stipend Award as well as the competitive Hough Foundation Grant from Kalamazoo College in support of his summer research. Congratulations and welcome, Shahriar!
Jun 12, 2023 - Meiling joins the lab
We are thrilled to welcome Meiling to the Mattis lab as our second postdoc! Meiling completed her PhD in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, along with a dual master's degree in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, both at the University of Michigan. Working in Sam Kwon's lab, she uncovered neuronal mechanisms of impaired perceptual learning associated with neurodevelopmental disorders using a mouse model of Synaptic Ras-GTPase-activating protein (SynGAP), behavioral testing, and in vivo two-photon calcium imaging.
We are thrilled to welcome Meiling to the Mattis lab as our second postdoc! Meiling completed her PhD in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, along with a dual master's degree in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, both at the University of Michigan. Working in Sam Kwon's lab, she uncovered neuronal mechanisms of impaired perceptual learning associated with neurodevelopmental disorders using a mouse model of Synaptic Ras-GTPase-activating protein (SynGAP), behavioral testing, and in vivo two-photon calcium imaging.
Jun 05, 2023 - Krystal is selected for the PSTP T32!
We are so excited to share the news that Krystal has been selected to to be appointed as a trainee on the highly competitive Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (PSTP) T32 training grant. This training program is a collaboration between the Medical School and the College of Pharmacy, designed to provide translational education, research training, and career development for trainees, to equip them as leaders in the field of experimental therapeutics. Congratulations, Krystal!!!
We are so excited to share the news that Krystal has been selected to to be appointed as a trainee on the highly competitive Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (PSTP) T32 training grant. This training program is a collaboration between the Medical School and the College of Pharmacy, designed to provide translational education, research training, and career development for trainees, to equip them as leaders in the field of experimental therapeutics. Congratulations, Krystal!!!
Jun 05, 2023 - Mattis lab receives a Research Scouts Award!
We are thrilled to be the recipients of a Scouts Award from the University of Michigan. The Research Scouts program is an investment in the "Bold Science" objective of Michigan Medicine's research strategic plan, with the goal of catalyzing new and exciting lines of investigation. Scouts Awards are intended to fund early stage ideas that challenge common dogma and have the potential to be paradigm shifting. Thank you to the Research Scout who selected our lab!
We are thrilled to be the recipients of a Scouts Award from the University of Michigan. The Research Scouts program is an investment in the "Bold Science" objective of Michigan Medicine's research strategic plan, with the goal of catalyzing new and exciting lines of investigation. Scouts Awards are intended to fund early stage ideas that challenge common dogma and have the potential to be paradigm shifting. Thank you to the Research Scout who selected our lab!
Jun 02, 2023 - Chandni is selected for the NETP T32!
Chandni has been awarded the highly competitive Neural Engineering Training Program (NETP) T32. The NETP enhances the graduate school experience of trainees with a wide variety of activities (seminars, journal clubs, an annual symposium, social events, and workshops) focused on neural engineering. Congratulations, Chandni!!!
Chandni has been awarded the highly competitive Neural Engineering Training Program (NETP) T32. The NETP enhances the graduate school experience of trainees with a wide variety of activities (seminars, journal clubs, an annual symposium, social events, and workshops) focused on neural engineering. Congratulations, Chandni!!!
May 15, 2023 - Chandni presents at the NETP Symptosium
Chandni presented her project at the annual Neural Engineering Training Program Symposium. This was our lab's first presentation of new data (collected within the Mattis lab), which is a major milestone!
Chandni presented her project at the annual Neural Engineering Training Program Symposium. This was our lab's first presentation of new data (collected within the Mattis lab), which is a major milestone!
Apr 26, 2023 - Joe is admitted to the MCDB Masters of Science program at UofM!
Very proud to announce that Joe will be pursuing an MS in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) beginning fall term, 2023! Fortunately for us, he'll still be able to continuing his position in the lab at the same time. Way to go, Joe!
Very proud to announce that Joe will be pursuing an MS in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) beginning fall term, 2023! Fortunately for us, he'll still be able to continuing his position in the lab at the same time. Way to go, Joe!
Apr 25, 2023 - Joanna presents at the American Academy of Neurology conference
Joanna gives an invited talk at the AAN Research Career Symposium in Boston.
Joanna gives an invited talk at the AAN Research Career Symposium in Boston.