Jan 30, 2023 - First EEG recording!
We hooked up our first mice today and were so excited to see that we are able to record lovely EEG signal!
Jan 30, 2023 - Chandni rotates in the lab
We are very happy to welcome graduate student Chandni Rana (NGP) to the lab for a rotation.
Jan 04, 2023 - First graduate students rotating in the lab
We are very happy to welcome graduate students Krystal Santiago-Colón (pharmacology) and Jacob Reeves (NGP) to the lab this winter.
Dec 24, 2022 - First paper accepted: “Optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulation of seizure threshold in mice”
We were thrilled to learn that the Mattis lab's first paper has been accepted for publication in STAR Protocols! In this paper, we detail a protocol for the use of optogenetics or chemogenetics to assess the neuronal circuits contributing to seizure initiation, with a focus on hyperthermia-induced seizures. Congratulations to first author Julia Kravchenko!
Dec 22, 2022 - Yiannos joins the lab
We are very happy to welcome Yiannos Demetriou as a new undergraduate student in the Mattis lab, starting January 2023! Yiannos is a triple major at the University of Michigan. He has multiple research experiences, ranging from designing and developing a virtual reality application, to writing and testing commands for a spider robot, to using Machine Learning to identify tinnitus in guinea pigs.